Jennifer Holbrook
Jennifer Holbrook MA, LCDC has more than 20 years of experience in the field of Chemical Dependency Counseling. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2004, completed her Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology in 2006, Cum Laude, and completed an internship in 1994 obtaining her QMHP (Qualified Mental Health Professional). She has also been appointed as a trainer with TAAP and NAADAC. Ms. Holbrook continues to stay updated on the latest research and education regarding addiction treatment modalities and is currently enrolled in advanced skills training to facilitate the Emotional Freedom Technique and to obtain a national certification in herbal studies and consultation. She specializes in REBT and Dual Diagnosis and has an extensive history working with clients dealing with trauma. She has also developed treatment programs that work with the family has a whole. Ms. Holbrook has spent the last 10 years involved in treatment with chronic relapse populations in the role of Clinical Director of inpatient treatment and prior to that, 8 years of her career was spent in education working as the Director of Programs and Clinical Director for the Institute of Chemical Dependency Studies in Austin TX. Ms. Holbrook has 5 years experience in Prevention and Intervention, including designing and implementing Alternative Activity Programs for youth in rural communities. Ms. Holbrook in known for her dedication and commitment to all facilities that she has interacted with throughout her career and currently is now working again in conjunction with the Institute of Chemical Dependency Studies in the role of Consulting Director.
Jennifer was elected President of TAPNET the Texas Addiction Professionals, Peer Assistance Network in 2008. This non-profit organization offers peer assistance to LCDC’s, interns and Certified Counselors in the State of Texas. She is actively involved with TAAP including the Annual State Conference.
In 2010, Mrs. Holbrook was elected the TAAP Addiction Counselor of the year. In 2013, she was nominated to serve as co-chair of the 4 Winds Inter-tribal Council of Texas involved in Native Traditions and Recovery Efforts.